A great warm up routine for your whole body

Warm up is very important before doing any rigorous workout. Going for a

workout session directly without stretching the muscles can cause injury.

It does not consume much time as you just have devote some minutes to it

before lifting the heavy dumbbells. Make sure that you do the below

mentioned warm up exercises before doing the workout.

*Jog to butt-kicks*

Doing your jogging with butt-kicks is an effective warm-up routine that

should be followed by every individual. Just begin jogging in the same

place for at least 4-5 minutes. Alternately, jog with a butt kick or

hamstring curl every 30 seconds. Ensure that your heels touch your glutes

but make sure that you do not grab your ankles.

*Arm circles*

This warm up exercise will help to open up your arms, hands and chest.

Start by extending your hands out and try to make a “Tâ€t with your body. Then perform circular motions with your hands by making 20 circles in one direction before you switch the sides and do the same with the other direction.

Squat with arm swing

A perfect warm up exercise for the lower body, start it by bending your knees and getting into a squatting position. When you lower your body, swing your arms in front of your head and repeat it for a minute.

So practice these warm up exercises and prepare your body for the strenuous schedule that lies ahead. With these warm up sessions, you will see how your body is able to perform better.
